Measuring systems and decision making strategies are key-features for the modern transport structures (aircrafts, trains, bridges, etc.). ETS offers customized and state-of-the-art solutions for:

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Non Destructive Testing (NDT): Complete solutions for vibration-based SHM and NDT systems, which are specifically designed and tuned for each application:

  • Design and integration of the whole measuring and processing system (sensors, cables, data acquisition hardware, processing unit).
  • Development of customized, user friendly, GUI software for easy use of the SHM/NDT system.
  • Development of application-specific signal processing and statistical decision making strategies for each SHM/NDT application.

Data AcQuisistion (DAQ) software: Development of DAQ software for your specific needs with enhanced signal processing capabilities:

  • Design and implementation of, user friendly, GUI software for easy access to your DAQ hardware.
  • Incorporation of enhanced signal processing tools (statistical signal processing, signal modeling, spectral analysis, time-frequency analysis, system identification, etc.).

Data post-processing: Development of completely customized data post-processing software using GUIs and state-of-the-art signal processing algorithms:

  • Design and implementation of GUI software according to your specific needs and requirements.
  • Incorporation of advanced signal processing tools (statistical signal processing, signal modeling, spectral analysis, time-frequency analysis, system identification, etc.).

Signal processing & decision making: Development of complete signal processing and decision making strategies for your specific application:

  • Advanced, state-of-the-art, statistical signal processing and system identification tools.
  • Advanced statistical decision making strategies.